PRO-AM 2023
- Category: Tom Drakeford's Blogs
- Published: Thursday, September 9, 2021 06:15
- Written by
- Hits: 1144
We hope that all our brothers and sisters are taking care of ourselves during this time of uncertainty. We've heard from many teams around the United States that are very anxious to return to the National City Leagues PRO-AM National Championships in Las Vegas. Many officials have expressed their dedication to staying connected to game, and are looking to return to the floor.
IPABOA will do its very best to develop and provide training tools and resources online for you to continue your self-development. Of course, we all know that the best development is always hands-on and in-person. We too are waiting patiently to be back on the floor.
We expect to be back in Las Vegas sometime in the near future.
April 2023.
Take care of yourselves.