Unfair Shot Clock
- Category: John Guerrero's Blogs
- Published: Thursday, September 16, 2021 12:56
- Written by
- Hits: 1114
Scrutiny may happen in a heated game. It comes in all forms of entity of the game of basketball. A known fan in the stands that yells at a player consistently can be scrutinizing. You might even have had an equipment manager that have deflated the ball enough for a home team win. One of the most missed is the shot clock
When a shot clock doesn’t start on time, it creates irritants in the game. Especially if it happens to just one team. Typically the visiting team will encounter a shot clock that seems to starts a little earlier for the visiting team. Instead of having a full 24 seconds to set up and run a play, you now have to make it work in 15 to 18 seconds.
Trust me. It's not only an irritant to the game but to spectators as well. They see it!!!!!
If its happening in your game, eliminate it! Keep the game professional.