My Pre-Game
- Category: John Guerrero's Blogs
- Published: Monday, September 20, 2021 12:56
- Written by
- Hits: 1154
Before my games, I generally prepare myself mentally. Sometimes, I’ll run through the “Officiating A to Z, Referee Goals for Every Game you Work” handout. It’s a great way to review of some key philosophies to calling a good game.
Here’s the link to download the handout:
Here are my top 5.
- Awareness.The key word to success — keep a high concentration level.
- Impact.Know when you blow the whistle it may have an effect on the game. Always be sure. (Remember letter G above!)
- Jump first.When defenders jump first, find the point of contact. It’s hard to have marginal contact on a jump shooter. Locate where he or she touches the offensive player first.
- No corners, only strikes.When calling in your secondary area, throw a strike — not on the corners, but right down the middle.
- eXecute your principles. Use the same principles every night. Work them and that will make you consistent.
What are you top 5?