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Saturday, 18 January 2025
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The Rules of the Game

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As a tax payer of the city you live in, will you be satisfied if a police officer is only knowledgeable of 80% of the laws within your city?  Are you willing to paymarc-davis-e1460465851808.jpg the full price for television, but receive 75% of the channels as oppose to everyone else?  Very much similar in the sports industry, it is difficult for sports enthusiast to be satisfied if a sports official is only knowledgeable of 90% of the rules of the game.  In the past years, organized basketball has increase dramatically.  This means there will be a demand for more officials.  In the increase of officials, what percent are you looking to be ranked.  The 80% which knows 80% of the rules or less?  Or the 20% which knows 80% of the rules or more.   In order to be an elite official, you must be 100% knowledgeable of the basketball rules at the level which you work.

gyi0060216000.0.jpgThe IPABOA Camp teach strategies and show you how important it is for you to learn your rules.  The rules to the game are very important. We train you on how to apply it to your game and work with your partners at the professional level.  In the NBA, officials are reprimanded with fines when they misapply the rules in a game.  We are no different.  We expect you to come prepared to work as a professional.  These players are playing for $40,000, and they expect you to be 100% more knowledgeable of the rules to the game than everyone in the building.

I hope to see you all at camp.

Bill Jones

IPABOA Rules Specialist


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